28 Aug 2007

Further evidence of decline in UK newspaper readership

With the trend to declining readership of newspapers, the UK's publishers are looking to on-line audiences to grow circulation figures. In an interesting article by printweek.com , information is given on the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) figures for July, listing the online and print audiences of newspapers side by side with the on-line readership figures:

  • For the newspapers: The Guardian had an average daily circulation of 362,309 and its Sunday sister The Observer had an average weekly circulation of 445,162.
  • Meanwhile on-line, Guardian Unlimited drew an average of 830,361 unique visitors every day (16,058,979 for the month); The Mail Online was in second place with 11,865,039 unique visitors/month; Times Online with 10,536,915/month; the Sun Online with 9,435,509/month; and Telegraph.co.uk with 8,992,526/month

The article goes on to show how recent newspaper circulation shows decline across the entire paid-for market, with newspapers introducing free editions showing the only gains.

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