31 Oct 2007

3Q07 Results for Kemira - Pulp & Paper Business Slows

Kemira has again posted a very clear and transparent report of its results for the last quarter. The 3Q07 performance of the entire company shows:

  • Jul-Sep: Revenue EUR 729.5 mio (+12%); Organic growth in local currencies 1%
  • Jan-Sep: Revenue EUR 2,155.8 mio (+16%)

  • Jul-Sep: Operating profit, excluding non-recurring items, EUR 65.8 mio (+12%)
  • Jan-Sep: Operating profit, excluding non-recurring items, EUR 170.5 (+20%)
The Kemira Pulp & Paper Business has struggled to maintain revenue and profitability this quarter:
  • Jul-Sep: Revenue EUR 253.1 mio (-3%)
  • Jan-Sep: Revenue EUR 768.5 mio (+5%)

  • Jul-Sep: Operating profit, excluding non-recurring items, EUR 23.6 mio (-3%)
  • Jan-Sep: Operating profit, excluding non-recurring items, EUR 70.0 (-1%)
The reasons for the slump in revenue are given as:
  • Exchange rates, especially the USD
  • Divestment of the South Korean hydrogen peroxide business in 2006
  • Stoppages in Finnish pulp mills
The profitability of the Pulp & Paper Business is down and it is also clear that Kemira is facing similar difficulties to other suppliers of speciality chemicals: higher raw material costs; and the inability to rush through price increases. Kemira also has ongoing costs for integrating its acquisitions.

The outlook given by Kemira Pulp & Paper is positive citing new start-ups in South America; good operating rates in the paper industry; the LanXess acquisition; new product introductions; realising the synergies of integrating its acquisitions; and the impact of price increases.

Kemira continues to be the largest global supplier of pulp and paper chemicals.

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